Thursday 2 March 2017

Historic Friday

After a lovely, if wet, walk this morning with Cherel and Penny I am at Ruby's for a decaff, this time, before I prepare for what is essentially an historic event. At my little cabin tonight we are having thevery first Community HU song, something which has been asleep for years since I was here ten years ago and we did it regularly. I am hopeful we will be at least three people and it will begin a weekly event.
'A Friend Like Henry' is my excellent read at the moment. Nuala Gardner and her husband have an autistic boy who doesn't communicate at all, that is until they take in a beautiful Golden Labrador dog who miraculously unleashes the little boy's trapped mind and speech patterns. It is uplifting and a must -read for anyone who has experience in autism or who just wants to learn more.

Jamie Packer and his good buddy Russell Crowe both own Souths Rugby League, but James looks very red in the face, what other embarrassing thing has happened to him recently I wonder?

'Black Rock', a social commentary play by Nick Enright, twenty years ago spoke of drunken Newcastle youths raping their girl friends, and more. Its return is still relevant today.
Melbourne trained and exported this fundamental Jihadist Prakesh to Syria where he is now under arrest but is under extradition orders to return for trial. The world is under a terrorist global veil.

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