Thursday 16 March 2017

Sunny Welly

I arrrived at Welington airport just before midnight and was at Tom's by a quarter past saw me in bed nearly asleep at half past midnight.
That is the real beauty of this compact amd delicious city which continures to seduce me, completely.
After a big catch up with Tom and Brent, Tom delivered me to the Memphis Belle, my old and faithful haunt which has always given me great coffees and meetings. Today was no exception as I was greeted  by my name more times than in a week at home. They all remembered me which is the essence of this welcming and generous city.
Tom being wise...
The late, great Murray Ball who was even more famous in OZ!
A typical home grown musical success story nurtured at home by musical parents
I stop for a chai latte at Maccas before attending my regular Friday night HU song at Flashdog Studios. Another great catch up with old friends.

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