Thursday 9 March 2017

Sydney Movie

Am at the Verona at Paddington to see 'Hidden Figures' after an excellent rehearsal last night at Ascham School with the Philharmonia. It seems we not just doing Stabat Mater by Rossini, but also
some excerpts from four popular operas so there is very much to learn. I can't miss too many rehearsals or I won't appear at Sydney Opera House in May!

Last night at my brother's was a good sleep and today he returned smiling from his doctor's appointment saying they dug deep into his mouth and all is now well. He even began singing some songs with his Uke to prove the point. Happy is the healthy elderly man!

Sydney, as always it seems these days, is in constant turmoil with the light rail being constructed creating gigantic problems for traffic in  Eastern suburbs, and indeed in central downtown Sydney.

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