Wednesday 1 March 2017

Justin to help!

Well my phone call to Apple resulted in a long and helpful discussion with a young American (I think) called Justin who was super patient with an old fogey like me. I was eventually able to upgrade my iMac to Sierra IOS which has helped with photos etc so I feel quite a bit more empowered now. Thanks to Justin and I even have his email for future support.
'Big Vicks' death, obviously by his own volition and at a such young age, has sent the Rugby world into disarray and brought oceans of love and support. By why did he do this? No-one has addressed the elephant in the room. There is a possible answer and it is this, in my humble opinion, seeing David Marr was in the principal mourners list, and he not in the least a sports person, which tells me that Vickerman had sexual identity problems and tragically the Rugby world is a closed book in that area. Recently on the SBS program 'Insight', Jenny Brockie interviewed Ian Roberts, the Rugby League star who 'came out' as gay twenty years ago, and he said the tragedy is that since then, he knows of only one other man who has done the same. The padlock in Rugby is even tighter than in League, and Aussie Rules is nearly as bad. These macho men cannot ever reveal they are gay, and Vickerman was 'happily married' with two young kids who now do not have a father. He tried too hard to fit in to meet the expectations of the sporting world, also being a heavy drinker and bon vivant. Something was seriously wrong, and only David Marr will know, but will he tell? Peter FitzSimons should take up his cause as he did for so many other sportspeople, but does he realise the situation? I can only wonder, but as that other earlier tragedy in the English and South African cricketing world showed, suicide is their only escape. 

Editoral saying the Trump's State of the Nation address was full of hot air promises which will probably disappear once reality sets in. I'm afraid I am right, he may have good intentions, but he has no substance or experience in getting politics to bend to his vain desires.

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