Monday 6 March 2017

Angela Carter

Just today I saw this recently published bio of Angela Carter and it looks like a great read. This is a much admired writer whom I have never read and I am certainly interested to see where she came from and her work ethic, as she has been much lauded in her gothic-feminist literature which is probably why I haven't read her ...yet.
Excellent biography by new writer Edmund Gordon
Trump's horrible diet is the reason for his nightly outbursts...indigestion and constipation?
Again NZ showing the way with Barker's healthy cordials 
Kosky showing how great the Adelaide Fesival can be, wish I could go one day...
Louis Nowra writing of a Woolloomooloo I lived in for a while and loved,  but didn't experience it like he does. Unfortunately it is soon to disappear with its gentrification.
Joy Hruby, watta woman! And she lived in Maroubra!

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