Tuesday 7 March 2017

International Women's Day

Wednesday and wet, and stays wet for the whole week it is forecast. 
Today I have M for lunch  - it is his birthday on Sunday when I will be in Sydney. Ruby's is busy as always and the world is 'celebrating' International Women's Day. It's true, there is still no equality in wages universally, and in some places there is female slave labour and of course slave sex workers. It is a day which has to serve as a reminder there is still a lot of work to be done in this male-dominated society. 
A bright point, locally, is the number of women employed by the Mariners footy club in Gosford, which is a nice turnaround. Women are most often better at their jobs than men anyway, (Sorry, men!), and they also care for the kids. Although this role is now much more shared than ever with young hubbies pushing their babies in strollers all around the town.
Editorial in SMH for the women, says it truthfully.
This makes a lot of sense when I think of the 'non education' I received at my school in the three Rs
The Commonwealth, my Bank, is one of the worst offenders and there should be a Royal Commisssion  - then the truth would out.
Here are some happy footy workers -  I just hope thery are getting equal wages as the men. The female footy players certainly are not!

Tammy multi-tasking at Ruby's.

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