Tuesday 28 March 2017

Queensland Cyclone

Today marks the end of the fine weather with the Cyclone Debbie's effect appearing on the horizon tomorrow. More rain and bad weather for my Sydney trip but things are moving along.
Poor North Queensland will be repairing damage for a along time after the enormous damage comes to light. We are lucky on the Central Coast with the odd heatwave to deal with.
Front page news of Cyclone Debbie
More pictures of the damage...
The Liberals are making some big mistakes and Julie Bishop is being shown up for her ineptitude.
More ferries can only be good for Sydney's embattled public transport system.
Typical of Trump's behaviour, anything to be a showman!
Facebook is being shown to be more a problem than ever and I will certainly consider this strategy of 'unfollowing' some post to reduce my information.

Today I am courting the phone-help of Justin Stoner in California, the Apple expert, to enable me to get through the minefield of problems with my new iPhone 6 proving to have some installation problems. But let's hope he can talk me through the details. Up to now he has shown he is invaluable and knows all about Apple products, more than anyone over here so far.

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