Friday 3 March 2017

Mardi Gras

Well I promised the Seventy Eighters I would go on their bus on Mardi Gras day and I don't regret it at all. It was a long day as I had a meeting with Eckankar at 10.30 am and luckily my good friend Annie let me have a couple of hours crash at her place at Bondi Junction before I joined the hundred thousand who were there for the biggest Gay Day of the year in Sydney. It was very exciting as the weather held off and the parade up Oxford Street was filled with the enormous crowds yelling their support and blowing their kisses.
The 78ers were the origin of the Mardi Gras March, back then when a lot were put in gaol and charged with their names revealed to the newspapers the following day, resulting in many of them being sacked from their jobs. Gay Liberation, with the big march, started from that day which I witnessed in 1978, hence my invitation to join their bus. It was, as well, an easy way to see the parade and I managed to get home early by train and watch it the following night on SBS. It was well worth the Sydney trip and my friend Paula came with me and had a 'big night out'  I was informed the next day. So it was  a success for all.
Ian Roberts was on the Rugby League float at  Mardi Gras where he is indeed a role model for young gay sportsmen.
Where the parade went, and finshed.
The ex-Premier is now shown to be painted with the same brush as all profiteering pollies.
The Gays have their Awards Night too and here is a popular winner....
The great 'Sista Girls' from the Tiwi Islands featured in the First Nations leading float at Mardi Gras, setting the them for inclusion and total equality. Let's hope Marriage Equality gets off the ground this year.

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