Friday 9 August 2013

Gore Vidal at Te Papa

Big morning news is that flatmate Pam has been accepted for big new administerial job, in Auckland. She has immediately invited me to  take over the leasehold of number 42. Now I am a real Wellingtonian.

So with mind abuzz I mount my bike/ scooter into town, it's a beautiful sunny  day btw, to see the Film Fest Doco of Gore Vidal, the last made of him while he was alive. Should be good. Then I can think about whom to get to rent the spare room in Roseneath.
So much to think about, best to think about nothing. Que sera sera!

Good to say the Gore Vidal documentary was excellent, and my neighbour Seat M8, called Dorothy McFarlane, agreed with me, to the point that we exchanged telephone numbers and will meet up for a coffee sometime. She has a daughter in Houston Texas, and a son architect, in Paris. She is also interested in afterlife. So I may have a new friend here, she is a Scorpio, btw, and has a gay film buff friend in Sydney whom she chats with about movies. There is a good chance of a possible friendship.

Back to the cityLibrary to do more music printing for our upcoming concert in September. A lemon and   honey drink later with scrambled eggs and salmon, and I am ready for the rest of the day.

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