Saturday 31 August 2013

Quilters Bookshop in Ghuznee

Another day in town and so much has gone on since last blog. Awaiting the final result of the new flatmate, Fir, a chef from Boston. I think she'll be as good as we could find so here's hoping!
Back to more Scottish Dance last night, a good night and learning more each time I go. There are dances scheduled for the next few weeks I'm not sure if I'm up to that , yet!
The house decor is slowly coming together, although a windy accident yesterday smashed the large coffee table I very foolishly left on the balcony waiting for the Sallies to pick up. So be it! They may have dropped it anyway, lol!
Today's big event was interview at NZ AF for a volunteer job of mentoring young Poz people. Starts in a few weeks. Then on to WINZ as it was nearby. An interesting story as i had no RV for interview, which is exactly why I dropped in. But happily a nice mature woman looked after me and I am now registered, waiting for confirmation in the mail. I won't hold my breath!

So a visit to Daniel's treasure house for a possible frame for the Warhol print I purchased at Te Papa on my first visit, should find a cheapie there. Also checked at Abel,s Antiques and checked the coffee table for $125, still there and must tell Aime?

So a quick excellent coffee at Quilter's second hand bookshop, and a bacon toasted which went down well. This is a great bookshop and I risk buying a book each time I come in. But don't forget my new rule, buy one, give one away!

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