Friday 23 August 2013

The Day of the Bledisloe Cup!

Well things turned out differently, as they always do, and flatmate stays in, for the moment!
Had an emotional chat last night and thought it better to let things lie sleeping for the moment, the smoking issue may well come up later at an opportune moment, but she's not ready for that yet. This morning she had disappeared when I got up so I had the morning to clean the bathroom and rehang the NZ Railway poster in the dining area where she likes to sit. All will be well, honey works better than vinegar!

Into town to exchange lamp shade, and popped in to buy another Cunard line print from Daniel. We had a nice chat about the sixties in Kings Cross, when he was seventeen and made leather bags for an American. A real character no doubt, there will be more to come from that one.

Exchanged shade with nice lighting man and now am in Mr Buns on Courtenay  Place, where I came to on my first visit. A long black and a meat pie is about their best offer, hope I don't regret it.
Next on to Vodaphone to buy a prepaid sim for local calls, my Travel Sim is just too bloody expensive.
It is the day of the Bledisloe Cup, number two, and Wellington is pregnant with excitement. many Wallabies strutting around with logos resplendent on their backs, and the Kiwis gearing up to yet another vicious fight on the field - all sold out of course so I decide to come in at six thirty to watch the game in the Four Kings opposite, a gaming palace with as many screens and ardent Kiwis as you could get. The atmosphere should nearly be as good as at the ground. The weather is fine and the city is ready for the joust. Am looking forward to my first Wellington spectator sport!

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