Wednesday 14 August 2013

On Cuba Street at cafe scopa

IIToday has been a non day, staying at home chilling with the flatmate Pam who is about to leave in a few weeks so time with hr is never wasted. There'll be big changes when she goes as she's been directing a tight ship for four years and is giving me instructions to keep it afloat.

So eventually into Cuba St to try a new cafe, this time one I had looked at often, called scopa, with a small c. Service is great and coffee excellent, see photos of the denizens of Cuba on below.

Was going to collect my tailor-made jeans from Duncan Mclean in Riddiford St Newtown as Yesterday I fitted them and Kate said they would be ready today, but I may go to- morrow as it's a bit late now. 

Googled the jean man Duncan...tres interessant, he and his wifePrudence, a New Yorker, both artists, have set up his business and survived the 2009 crash and now diversify successfully. He is locally trained and NY experienced so he knows his stuff.  I Really like his 1950 s retro jeans which of course are a perfect fit. They both seem to  be part of the the great talent that has returned happily to this wonderful city. Prudence has a blog which I discovered, she is also a great writer!

Still waiting for my boxes to arrive from Hobart, if not by Friday I'll ring them yet again. I have so much stuff in them I need to use. In the mean time I'll just be a cafe cockroach and enjoy the scene.

On to cruise the famous Cuba St, it doesn't  disappoint. i manage to take some nice photos, with my Nikon, not this toy I have here, although does make memories!

Only half an hour before the HU Song,  but I must visit Midnight Espresso before and have a hot ginger, honey and lemon drink, plus my favourite 'mousetrap', I'll  explain later. 

It's busy as always, and next to me is a handsome young blond English lad, ( in last photo) seriously chatting to his red-haired lady friend, an American I wrongly assume. The days used to be when the intrepid English traveller stopped by Wellington on his way to somewhere and was totally seduced by some young New Zealand lassie, and never left, but stayed to make his  fortune. Things are different today.

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