Tuesday 6 August 2013

More of Wonderful Wellie

Today was contact day, meaning I connected to the mainland, OZ, to be precise. I had applied on the net yesterday and a quick phone call this morning confirmed it, so immediately on the phone to bro. And best friends in Melbourne. Surprise to some but a good feeling of connection remained, not that I have much time to chat. Another call to the Hobart PacknSend  confirmed the disaster, this time the boss had no idea when my freight would arrive. No explanations, mate, that's just how it is. I express my disappointment but now am resigned to a very late arrival, probable two more weeks!

So I decide to cook my first meal for the new 'family', Mum's spinach pie. Found the necessary equipment and the oven worked tolerable well. It tasted OK but needed spicing up. That will come. Leave note to say 'eat the pie in the oven' and then off to Well. hospital to get my scripts. Easy peasy, lovely James one and James two, both UK, looked after me and then into town to get the prescribed three months affair. All good, but I terminally broke my glasses so the nice pharmacist gave me an address and now I await the result tomorrow, perhaps a courier to Auckland to replace the stem. Very nice attention. Felt good so bought some sushi and now am at the Film Archives to see a 60s US doco called The Source, a wacko cult from California, just my cup of tea. the place is abuzz with young enthusiasts and it feels great. We'll see how good the film is.

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