Tuesday 20 August 2013

Moved in - just!

Well,  the removalists came, one of them! He was a bit surly to start with, thinking I was 'whingin'about only one worker, but another one soon appeared and they both carried the heavy stuff like Egyptian Slaves, I really marvelled at their strength. A couple of furniture casualties but all was there so I'm not bothering to report broken chair which i may be able to get repaired eventually.

Exhausted, I collapsed in a heap to survey the mess. Happily all would fit into into my larger room so that was the main problem solved. i sadly looked over the few books I now had left on my twosmall book   shelves, and tried not to think of the hundred or so I gave away, all valuable books, to people who I hope will appreciate them. Result, less weight more space!

Slowly I will get to take control of my new home, in a sharing way of course!!

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