Friday 16 August 2013

My first earthquake!

Quiet morning with Pam helping her pack the kitchen stuff she is taking to Auckland. With a wry smile I see everything that I left behind me in Hobart now going up to her new lodging. I could have brought it all! But no matter, I'll just get on with less, and better quality as all my stuff was old and decrepit.
 Am now into town after baking some muffins for afters at the weekly Poz Group pot luck lunch and
later to meet with the landlord Mr Patel in the Dairy on Oriental, then on to HU song in Kilbernie and after to teal with Liam in Wadestown. My scooter is certainly proving its worth.
However to the point, sitting in  the Body Pos, third floor, Courtenay Place, suddenly the earthmoved under   us. it was a slow moving tremor, like an ancient monster had decided to wake and let us knowhe is  there.

It lasted about thirty seconds, and a few things fell off the shelves. Some people were decidedly nervous but it felt fine to me. But wait, three after-shocks came, slower and smaller than the earlier one which was estimated at .6.9 , quite a large one, somewhere on the South Island
Nothing of consequence, however the train station was closed and people were out on the streets talking.
It made you feel very very small, and powerless, nothing could be done. the earth was speaking to us. quite a surreal moment.

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