Friday 20 December 2013

Philomena - Irish and pregnant

Below is the diamond I met last night, Kuzun, from Sri Lanka, is a very old Soul, and is the lodger at A's large house. We chatted for a couple of hours and time stood still and I'm sure we'll keep in contact. He is Buddhist by upbringing, and a seeker, by nature, so he has many places to go. We happily exchange identical spiritual beliefs. A. the hostess, was a different scene, she's a beginner at BnB and learning with difficulty, but her house is an absolute delight.

 I had a great night's sleep then off to Montgomery Square Saturday Markets for the morning look. It was so hot and so busy, I soon repaired to Cafe Affair on Trafalgar St, which is now giving me my first coffee of the Nelson visit. Sad to say my first taste at the street market was of an Austrian Apfel Strudel, and it was quite disappointing, in spite of the big smile offered by the Austrian cook behind the counter, whose proud Kiwi husband was very happy to accept the five dollars. The Europeans have descended on Nelson with a vengeance, and are selling their wares in a similar way. But I also tried a delightful, if unnecessary, Maori fried bread topped with butter and golden syrup, 'Kai with Aloha', Food with Love, it was described as, and I believe them. It was delicious, and at only three dollars made up for the Strudel rip-off.

Kuzun, relaxed, at 78 Quebec Road

Cafe 'Affair' on Trafalgar Street

I have a late brunch at the Affair, a curiously named large establishment with several shotguns suspended from the walls, and an old French-style bicycle you can see in photo. The eggs florentine I ordered were very much their own recipe, and I wouldn't try them again. However I observed the locals, all of who seemed affluent and enjoying being out, although the table next to mine was obviously a French one. The Christchurch Saturday newspaper on offer filled me with the South Island news, nothing riveting, and I decided to have another stroll to look at street fare, picking up some food for tomorrow on the way,  as I leave at at the first crow at 8 am and arrive home not till 10 pm tomorrow night.

On my way, I stumble across the State Cinema, memories come back of the Hobart cinema of the same name, and  discover that 'Philomena' is showing at 6 pm, a movie on my recent wish- list. As it fits in with everything I am doing, I decide to take it in, as one of the necessities of living anywhere for me, is a good movie house. The session is nearly booked out, with silver-tailed oldies no doubt, so I buy a lone ticket and will enjoy Steve Coogan and Judi Dench, yet again, at 6 pm. I'm sure our workshop will be well over by that time, and I will be graciously excused.
But first, the Acres of Diamonds, the original reason for me coming to Nelson.
Saturday Matinee for the local boys, with Mum.
Three hours later...
...and a six o'clock session for me. Philomena was excellent, but then can Stephen Frears ever make a bad movie? I think it's a worthy and well-made movie which attempts to excoriate the Irish Catholics at their inhuman (sic) treatment of young unmarried mothers in the fifties and sixties. Judi Dench does a great job at personalising this true story, and I won't reveal the ending, just go and see it, as it is still relevant. Four Stars.
My 'Acres' was a repeat event, but well worth the visit, and I did taste the best cocoanut non-cheese cake I've ever eaten. Thanks Sarah! A good end to my Nelson visit.

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