Saturday 14 December 2013

Wellington Christmas Buzz

The summer weather seems finally to have arrived and the boys are bathing in Oriental Bay. I have had an already packed weekend and it's still not over. It began with the Dervish Dancing on Friday night, quite spectacular, and my friend B at the tender age of near 70s was twirling with the best of them. I was very impressed and they invited me and the other 'lovers' present to share the food afterwards. 

The venue was in the kitchen of this grand home in Thorndon which I then discovered had been sold to the Wellington Studies Group by former iconic Lord Mayor, and artist, Michael Fowler. The whirling was done on a large parquetry floor which once, I am sure, had many a dancing foot on it at the Fowlers' many 'at home' parties. Again the smallness of Wellington. They are a lovely group of many nationalities and the following day at Te Papa where there was a 'Listen-In' choral fest, I saw one of them singing as well as playing the key board. Such an energetic woman and a European beauty to boot.

This concert at Te Papa was a great event. I was alerted to it by J, our choir mistress, and now she may regret telling me as one of the choirs I absolutely fell in love with. On enquiry, they rehearse the same night as the Glamaphones. It may be a sign to change choirs, I was, after all, getting a little  disenchanted with the ambience of this choir, perhaps my expectations were too high. The  smaller choir, named WOSISI, do a lot of African and Maori singing, with movement, which attracts me a lot.   I'm keen to sing Maori, and be in a smaller more dedicated choir. It will be difficult to take my leave, so I'll just have to think about that later.

Later on Saturday I caught the movie at the Cuba Lighthouse about the fabled back-up singers in the US, called 'Twenty feet from Stardom'. It was excellent and showed the absolute talent of those who are not always in the spotlight. I will tell J about it  when I write my letter of resignation, I know she would love it, that's if she takes any time to relax over the silly season.

On my way home after the movie I had an unexpected invitation from a Phillipine man who invited me joyously to join them all in a street celebration and barbecue for Christmas. He belonged to a Christian group and wanted to spread good cheer. I had already eaten at Mama Brown's so my tummy did not allow me to indulge in his kindness. But it was a typical statement of Wellington generosity I thought, and one which stayed with me for a wee while. See, I'm already becoming Kiwi!

Today after shopping at the Victoria Street  market I am back home to do a few Christmas phone calls, otherwise I just won't have time, after all, next weekend I am in Nelson and then it's Christmas and Vinegar Hill. The madness of this season, even when I try to avoid most of it. Spoke to sister in Perth who actually posted me a present, against my instructions, and it probably won't arrive till after Christmas, given the inefficiency of the local posting system.

A choir at Te Papa, with Dervish Whirler friend in black at keyboard...

The ballroom at Fowler's former mansion, yesterday filled with Whirling Dervishes. 

The amazing Philippine choir in the Marae at Te Papa

Invitation to a barbie in streets of W.

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