Monday 2 December 2013

National Theatre London

The Cuba Lighthouse has sucked me in again, this time for the 50 Year's celebration of the English theatre world - a must for theatre lovers I would dare to say. La creme de la creme they say, so here I am, theatre groupie from way back. 

But first a quick report from one of W's good Chinese Restaurants, called Chow. We were being sensible, as Monday night is 'Two for One', a deal used in a few places on a Monday night to bring in the crowd. Well, they were lining up for this one, and I am told they are full every night. And I wouldn't be at all surprised as the food and service was fantastic. There was a band of young waiters/resses, very attractive and attentive, and the food arrived promptly and was super-tasty, and affordable, with the best octopus I have had in ages. So Chow is now on my list for another Monday. The restaurant scene in Wellington just gets bigger and bigger, and happily the quality stays the same, very high to fabulous.

We were six at Chow,  from our 'Six On Six' of course, and a satiated bunch we were as we stumbled down the stairs later in Tory Street. And glutton me, I had a RV at 8pm already booked at the Cuba Lighthouse Cinema for a special screening of the English National Theatre's 50th birthday (only because this was the one night available, with a strictly limited release). It should be excellent.

 But more news from the dinner, my adventure-to- be at Vinegar Hill for the New Year is shaping up to be just that, quite an exciting experience I hope. Whatever happens, it will be different.
I can't wait, but first, a look at fifty years of the English National Theatre.

Two views of the Lighthouse foyer, always inviting, with a great smell of fresh coffee always assailing the senses.

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