Tuesday 10 December 2013

Te Aro

Strolling up Aro street to discover a rare Vinnie's, and eureka, it was there on the corner and had a great Hawaiian shirt for me to use at Vinegar Hill! Also lucked out with a juicer, which of course, I had left in Hobart. So now I can do some healthy juices for my afternoon tea party, whenever I do it. I haven't really been in this nook before, but it is only a ten minute walk from the city, and quite quaint, leading up into the hills behind the city.

Just spent earlier, some time at BP to organise my application for the 2014 International AIDS Conference in Melbourne next July.  I am told that I will be a delegate from Wellington, but need to get a recent CV together to submit. Lesley again, was a great help. 

This morning I had to escape the workers again as they are now hell-bent on finishing the job, which means arriving early and leaving late, and making a big noise while they are there. Oh, well it won't last forever...

Good bakery in Te Aro so bought a loaf to try.

Tried a lemon and honey at local caff - it was extra good!

Amusing feminist reaction to Mick Jagger's lips!

I just discovered that one, Alan Wickens from Aotea, has written to the Dominion Post saying exactly my thoughts about the dreary lack of Christmas decor and lights in the centre of this wonderful city. He has inspired me to write as well. Wellington needs to show off what it has, and that is a sparkling shopping precinct and great nightlife in its centre.

On the other side I also read that the Aussie tennis coach I spoke about, reported lost in Hamilton, was seen wandering into the river, somewhat disturbed, and no-one has yet found him. That teaches me not to jump to conclusions, I only hope he is found, and treated, for something is very wrong there. His parents have come from Melbourne to help find him. We'll see what emerges. I am more than happy to withdraw my comments about gay bashing in NZ if what is wrong is this person's mental state. Life is never simple for a talented young Jewish boy from Melbourne.

It is four-thirty and I am being gently removed from the Te Aro cafe - they don't keep late hours here. But tonight I am happily warned we are all eating out after our regular Wednesday night HU song. A group of Malaysian ECKists have arrived from Auckland and D and V have suggested it is time to have a Chinese, or Malaysian, more to the point. So it will be a nice night, and manana, I am off to Wanganui for the big Beethoven Concert which I am so much looking forward to. What to wear, God only knows! I'll play safe with all black, with my new (old) black leather hoodie. I'm sure the Wanganui opera buffs won't look too askance at me when I arrive, besides, I'm sure G won't be dressing up too much.

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