Wednesday 18 December 2013

Inch'Allah - the movie

Palestine - do you want to go there? This movie will affect you one way or another, and I decided to see it before my trip to Nelson.

And yes, it was shot at the Wall in Palestine, and also in Israel, and I do not want to go there, to either place I'm sorry. A hand-held camera put me off from the start, and there was a not very endearing main character, who was a Canadian female doctor working in Palestine but living in Israel, and her problems of resolving her friendships and her profession. I think I must agree with the sentiment of the Palestinian woman who suicided after her baby's death, that the doctor would have done better to stay out of their lives.The best I could say about the movie (it was banned at the Melbourne Film Festival because it showed Israel in a bad light!) is that it was a fair showing of the horror of both sides of this awful situation in the Middle East. But it was also badly directed and could have been a wonderful movie, as it showed a part of the world I am now never likely to experience. 
A disappointing two stars.

It was nice to emerge into the twilight of Courtenay Place, with quiet Christmas drinking reminding me how lucky we are here in Kiwi-land, and Oz.

I took a pic (below) outside the Paramount Cinema, much simpler!

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