Sunday 8 December 2013

The day after

Could not believe we survived the 130km/ hr gale winds of yesterday and today is a pussycat of a day, even too hot! 

I have come into town for the final Six On Six meeting and am having a moment at my old friend Midnight Espresso. It just never changes, and still does an excellent hot honey and lemon drink.

The Post-mortem from Saturday's BBQ was that with the right enthusiasm and people, you can make a success out of any event, however bad the weather may turn out to be. Of course in the case of Wellington, people are well and truly used to adversity, so my pampered upbringing doesn't really permit me to say much. I just have to 'man-up' as they say, like all the others.

However today the man involved was my landlord who came to the house for inspection of the 'work in progress', as I had told him I feared it would be months before it is finished. What with the  workers' hours and vagaries of the weather, it wasn't an unreasonable supposition, but not one I fancied for the duration of the festive season. Whatever the result, he will see that the house is in a sorry state of neglect, and needs more than he had expected to render it presentable. Such is the fate of the wealthy land-owner, which indeed, Mr P. is. In Wellington he is known for his large portfolio of properties, but he never lets on that he has a penny. It is not unusual in the world of high finance I know. Say no more!

My position of renter actually gives me more freedom than most have to make decisions to move on when I see fit, but if ever that happens in Wellington, it will have to be a damn good reason to move on, as this city gets more and more under your skin, in the best possible way.

My favourite drink at M. Espresso

The island on 'Island Bay'.

Who's that man with the Charlie Chaplin moustache?

Lesley has turned out to be a great force for good with BP and you can feel his energy in this photo taken at the BBQ.

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