Wednesday 25 December 2013

Boxing Day 2013

Well, Christmas Day is over and nothing is much different, Bear and I spent the night together as we always do, and he is happy about that, fidelity is his strong point I must say.

Yesterday went extremely well, I took my friend L to visit B and she had invited a few other orphans along. The weather was unbelievably perfect, the food excellent, and not too much, and we met some nice local people and B. was delighted we came. Amongst all this  L lost his cellphone on the bus on the way, but Wellington being as it is, a quick phone call to his phone put it to rest. It had been rescued and had been handed in to the main bus station, ready to be identified and given back. So all was well.

Today has been totally restful, reading and preparing food for L and WW, whom I had invited for tea today. They arrived at six o'clock, in fine form. We finalised plans for  a Saturday pickup and tried on some fancy dress. It will be quite a show at at Vinegar Hill and I am looking forward to it. Bear will just have to have a quiet time over the New Year. He is used to it. Sorry I couldn't adjust the photos of WW and L, they will have to stay supine, perhaps better that way, as L. looks like he's ready for bed anyway.

Below is photo at 9.30pm the eve of our departure to Vinegar Hill.. It is cool and wet and windy, God only knows how it will be up there. I have one sole regret that I didn't bring my gumboots from Hobart...I forgot them under the laundry sink, they may have been just what V.H. demands! Oh well, we will have to manage in Ugg boots!

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