Saturday 21 December 2013

Picton and home

Another good night's sleep with lots of dreams - the workshop, which wasn't really a workshop, went well and as I woke early I decided to walk slowly down to the town to wait for the bus and have a coffee, but the only place open was a Subway. There was one lone customer like myself having an early coffee at this traveller's rest in Nelson, on Sunday at a very early seven a.m.

Arriving in Picton, I had a second attempt at finding a good coffee at 'Le Cafe'. A great success, and with a Florentine!

Above, the excellent barista, and the nice 'garcon' at 'Le Cafe'. I could recommend it to anyone, with also a great view of the picturesque waterfront. Picton is a pretty village, but is that only, and is really a kick-off point to see Queen Charlotte's Sound and the famous wine growing region of the Marlborough. 

As I have six long hours here to wait, I don't think I can manage six coffees, so I have rung Bluebridge Ferries to  see if I can get a stand-by on the two o'clock departure, arriving in Wellington at four fifteen. This would be much better to allow me to get to my Sunday dance which I would have missed. We'll see what happens, I should realise that my energies are well in advance of the local speed so I'd best calm down a little. 

Mmnn, perhaps I shouldn't have ordered that last coffee! However too late, it has arrived and my earnestness has won over the barista and the coffee is steaming hot, with a good crema and hot milk on the side. It may be the best coffee I've had this weekend.

There is a cute Railway Station at Picton, which I believe has trains which go all the way down to Invercargill. Sounds like a great trip to do one day.

Below, I noticed the total independent camper, perfectly kitted-out, also taking the Bluebridge ferry to Wellington. New Zealand is the perfect country to learn how to travel well, and lightly. The young people today, with the advantage of the latest design and technology, use it with finesse, and make independent travelling seem like a breeze, at least this boy does.

Yippee, in the end I managed to get a tiny upgrade to secure me a ticket on the two pm ferry to arrive in time for tonight's dance, Bravo!

Below, how young people socialise on the ferry crossing.....

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