Sunday 15 December 2013

The Workers

Drama yesterday when housemate F informed me the workers were invading her space i.e. they carelessly took her bin filled with her garden tools and proceeded to 'top it up' with debris and rubbish, ignoring that it may not be the right thing to do. As No.One worker wasn't there this morning,  I approached the other one S, and explained it may have been the wrong thing  to do. Mr. Gruff then emptied the bin into the other one, which was completely empty, and grumbled off. He wasn't happy to have been told anything contrary to his 'normal' practice. It's a different world with the tradies. However it will sharpen him up, just a little, maybe? Perhaps not.

Today I have a meeting with Volunteers Wellington  to see if we can liaise with them and BP to do something during next year. It will probably mean a volunteer job somewhere for me. J and C turned up and we all sat with a cuppa and orange cake I had brought. They were very interested in BP and we exchanged info and ideas. Nothing concrete but some seeds were sown.

Returned home to find things not too honky dory with S. He had confronted F and felt she had over reacted..not the best way to approach F. However it's done now and I will have to mend bridges with C tomorrow. S is super sensitive and I didn't read him right - however he'll get over it. We are all different breeds, with different sensibilities.

Our man S on the job...

Tonight was an extra night of Scottish Dance practice for the traditional Hogmanay. It was in Wadestown, a new suburb for me. I travelled by bus and train with  Dervisher B and we had a good time on a beautiful lawn at the rear of a home where I was able to stroke a lovely black and white pussy cat. It revived my desires, and intentions, to have a cat in my house next year. The sixteen dancers, all of a certain age, were all dedicated SCDers.

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