Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Wet return to Wellie

Hearing of the bad weather in Wellington yesterday I decided to cancel my Backpackers reservation at Turangi. Anyway Floss filled it quickly, and I decide to drive on down to W immediately. It wasn't such a long trip, ten hours in total, with nearly an hour's break in Turangi to recuperate. Picked up a hitchhiker, finally, a sensible one standing at the right place on the road. A young tiler tradie from Tauranga, on his way to Levin only to return the next day, un brave mec! He was a pleasant young Kiwi called Rhys, totally uncomplicated and absorbed with his smartphone, texting the whole of the trip. Which is life for the young today. Home at ten-ish to a quiet house with Fir on her computer and Sonny at work. All  in order.

Today I see I have returned from a hot summery Auckland to a cool and windy Wellington, so what's new? This is unfortunately what you have to deal with in this lovely town. 

Out quickly in first bus to pick up repaired specs and on to Gotham for a coffee fix. Saw in the paper the Alan Turing movie, The Imitation Game, is on at eleven at Cuba lighthouse. A grey day calls for a grey stimulating movie. So I hot-foot it up to Wigan Street only to discover it starts tomorrow, apparently a newspaper error, I'll catch it then.  So back to Recycle shop to soothe my disappointment to find a nice striped Kiwi designed T-shirt to take to Sydney next week. I won't need too many clothes there, just summer tops. 

With time on my hands, Caffe Scopa beckons, and for the first time I have a tall Spiruluna smoothie, (in pic.) Tastes very sweet but is nice and green and keeps me away from a second coffee. After this I am off to city library to pick up my reservation of Peter Carey's latest novel 'Amnesia' which I have been looking forward to reading for a while. Scottish dancing friend Beth, in the meantime, decides not to go to Hogmanay, preferring to wallow in her sadness, or is it just that she is madly organising the wake of her good friend Jean? I text her Jennifer's number which she strangely asked for as it is probably in the phone book. Still, she's acting a bit weird since the sudden departure of Jean.

King Richie in action, as always

How NZ gets good student results

Battersea Power Station soon to be millionnaire row

Spirulina in Scopa's

It is worth commenting on the enormous difference betwen the two largest cities in New Zealand, Auckland and the Capital, which is really a large town in comparison. 
The weather says it all. Here in Wellington there is a hardy race of outdoor-trained indigenous people, used to the untold vagaries of a hostile climate, who get on with their business with such an enthusiasm that it beggars description. And they smile. And keep on jogging and tramping in the most dogged conditions and don't even seem to notice it. There is indeed a vibrant indoor life also, with music, the arts in general, and above all, reading and literature. Everywhere you see bookshops, both new and secondhand, the type you would find in Paris, London and New York City. It is a reader's paradise. The fashion ain't too bad either! Totally original, the Wellingtonians set the pace for the rest of the world in many ways, and fashion is doubtless one on them, food and coffee being two others. I can see why I love the place but at the same time why I have to leave it. I will always come back to this wonderful city, it's just too sweet.

Cuba crossing at Scopa

Monday, 29 December 2014

Leaving Auckland

Last brekkie at Alleluya. I am getting used to it here. The coffee is great and the eggs are nice too.
Went to see Turner last night with R and it was most enjoyable. Timothy Spall was perfect casting for the role. I would think a five star movie. Fab sets and amazing cinematography.

Poached eggs at Alleluya Cafe

Back to wet and windy weather in Wellington.

Local photo comp winner....Naked in Mt Maunganui!

Can you believe this....I am waiting for an op shop to open in Karangahape. Is that an addiction or what? I saw a lovely saucepan in this shop three days ago and I have come back to buy it... But it's not open till 11am so I have to have another coffee while waiting an hour for it to open. My rationale is that I don't want to arrive in Turangi too early as there is nothing to do there but laze in the sun. Or rain as is predicted. Floss is working so I can chat with her but still an early night and an early return tomorrow is what I had planned in the first place. Ten hours travelling is too much for one person, breaking the trip at Turangi is by far the best idea. I may even have a look around Taupo before I arrive in Turangi.

Second coffee on Karangahape

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Monday on Karangahape

After seeing the forgettable Russell Crowe last night I am out early for coffee at Alleluya Cafe.
Pam is coming into town with step-daughter for more coffee on Ponsonby at noon. So is shaping up already.
Palm court...

Still well in Auckland..

Dog friendly cafe..

Airplane disaster, again!

The paper this morning reports another Asian plane disappeared...what's going on no-one has the answers. The world seems to be getting scarier for the masses each day, but not in carefree New Zealand. Although already five deaths from car accidents in the holiday season. Not good.

Pam and her gorgeous step-daughter came and we had a light lunch on Ponsonby. Pam, forever the generous soul, presented me with a black and white throw-over rug which will be always useful.
They had to pick up P. from the hospital so I motored on to Mission Bay, very trendy and beautiful, and decided to  get two tickets to 'Turner' for the six pm session. Home for a nap then brought R. along to see  the movie with English character actor Timothy Spall playing a great role. A superb movie which will win some awards I'm sure. Tomorrow an early start for Turangi and home. Jean's funeral is on Friday at eleven am on Willis St at St Peters community church. I will attend.

Burger Burger with Pam

Fabulous natural food centre on Ponsonby

Pam and below, her lovely step-daughter

Pakira Road

Haven't seen R for a while and she's doing a Jenny Craig, with some success. We decide to seethe new  release  movie called 'Turner' of the eponymous English artist but it's booked out, so instead we gamble on Russell Crowe's attempt at a Gallipoli soap opera and it just doesn't quite make it. Called 'The Water Diviner', a totally misleading title, it a story of three lost Aussie soldiers presumed dead in Gallipoli but one is found still alive. It is hackneyed and poorly cut with Russell Crowe in the lead as director, writer and star. Certainly no more than two stars!

Home for a quiet night in front of the tellie, a rare treat for me, happily with a cat on my lap. Tomorrow I intend to meet up with a couple more friends if they are not away on holidays. Weather has been superb and the only sad point, and not really sad, was that news of the passing of Jean Watson on Friday in Wellington, the day after our very nice Christmas lunch. Happily she had just visited her son in the Wairarapa and was returning home on the train when she had a fatal seizure. May she rest in peace!

Robyn looking very slim...

Waiheke -eat your heart out!

Auckland has been  very sweet to me. First a Chinese lady in the street suggested I change my car park as it was illegal - than you ! And then I catch the bus to the quay to find the ferry, buy some Salmon from Bluff to take for dinner, and Norma meets me after 35  minutes of a beautiful ferry ride across the waves to Waiheke Island. 

And it is indeed a paradise. I cannot believe so many wonderful baches, intermingled with million dollar homes in spectacular positions. It is a place for the super rich or super lucky. Norma's house is no different being a beautiful modern residence with a large terrace overlooking a lush green valley of fantastic wealth. She takes me on a short drive of all the beaches with yellow sand and soft lovely waves. All in all, it is a dream. Tomorrow back to reality!
Bed at Waiheke

Outside her downstairs flat


Living room..

Wonderful ferry return to Auckland


After a nice coffee with Norma in one of the excellent cafes in Waiheke I take the eleven o'clock ferry back to Auckland after an interesting catch-up with N. Told her I can come back and cat-sit her home when she goes on one of her many overseas trips. Waikeke is an experience not to be forgotten...a veritable paradise. Norma just doesn't seem to realise what a lucky person she is. We spoke of spiritual matters as she has just lost her husband, but she laughs them off, she is not interested, death being the end of everything for her. I rang Jenny W, Jennifer's very good friend and once- bridesmaid, in Waiheke. She is an Aussie of fifty years residence there, and she told me that Jennifer had told her that Jean Watson had an aneurism this morning... and when I get to Auckland Jennifer texts me that Jean has translated at 5 am this morning. Baraka Bashad. At Christmas lunch I had told her about the HU and the very next day, apparently getting out of a train carriage, she had this final call. It was very fitting departure for an India-loving person. 

Have returned to a sunny Auckland and eaten a felafel at the Little Turkish Caff on K. May catch a movie with Robyn as news from Pam tells me she is at hospital with Phillip, he is quite ill. There is something going on at present and I wonder what it is.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Auckland Arrival - Alleluya!

Well I am certainly glad I wasn't exiting Auckland today. The pile-up of traffic in the opposite direction extended for about twenty kilometres from the city on their three lane freeway. It looked like a nightmare and hopefully next Tuesday it will be fine, the fever having diminished somewhat.
The Allelyua Cafe on K strip
Palms and all...

Stylish ladies as well!

I managed to exit the freeway at the right place. It was Wellesley Street, the only exit sign I recognised, and I managed to find a park in a back street above the cafe strip of Karangahape Street where this retro cafe called Alleluya, which I have frequented before, is always open for a good coffee. 

A short bus trip to the quay and then on to the ferry to Waiheke Island. It should be quite simple as things are quiet here, everyone was on the freeway on their way out of the city! Auckland is indeed a few degrees hotter and more humid, a bit like Sydney. Today is only about twenty six degrees centigrade with a cool Northerly breeze blowing, which is perfect. Ferry ticket purchased I now havethe  next chapter with Norma. 

Kiwi Rugby god Richie McCaw

...resplendent in larger than life posters.

En route to Turangi

This morning after a slow start, no rush it's holidays, I really paid the price as the traffic out of Wellington, all going North, of course, was horrific. So I took a beak at Maccas at Levin, with the same barista made me such a good coffee last weekend . And he was here, same smile, same coffee, and I feel better already. Of course it is Boxing Day traffic, what can you expect? It would be worse in Oz.It's just that I've not ventured out foolishly before on the hallowed day of travel and it is bloody awful... luckily I am only going to Lake Taupo, another three hundred Ks and have all the afternoon to make it there. Floss has a room at her Backpackers and tomorrow I will start early for Auckland. It's always better to drive in the early morn, I alway knew that and won't forget it in a hurry.

Maccas serving their awful food...

Coffeee at Levin

Last night, or yesteday, Christmas was full and satisfying. First a small lunch at Beth's with Fir and Jean Watson taking pride of place, talking about their India. Jean is a modest and capable woman who confesses she hasn't travelled, just been to India, where she had a conversion ( my words ). She believes in reincarnation and was interested to hear of my past lives which I told a little of. She is on a long tough journey but doing good things on her way. I may pass the HU onto her again one day as I am sure she would use it well.

Then the evening over at Tom's with seven other men, one of whom was ex-Minneapolis and quite interesting. The food was great, I was able to pace myself not eating too much and we got home by ten-thirty. It was late enough fro me to sleep in the next day and so leave at eleven-thirty. The Indian came home after midnight and nearly set the kitchen alight with his cooking. Tired after a day's cooking he comes home and cooks more but luckily we have a sensitive smoke alarm, thank god for that. Sonny has never learned to say I am sorry, he is too 'well bred' for that; one day he may learn to. I am now wondering whether I should ever leave the house for him and K as they are not really ready to take over the responsibility for a home together. Anyway time will tell. 

At least I am in the road and will spend tonight on Lake Taupo at Turangi, have a swim hopefully and get on the road to Auckland early in the morning for the next stage.

Julie Walters, whom I just saw in 'Educating Rita', is now 64 and having her teeth whitened, shown with Kathy Lette holding her on to the London Eye. Such a great actor.
TaihapeTown Hall where I had short rest...

Arrived in Turangi at five-thirty, just when I had planned. Straight to Extreme BackPackers where Floss works, to meet her boss John, decked in a mauve French beret and a classic St Tropez jersey top. Incredibly handsome to boot, he told me he has just bought said Backpackers and is repainting it to his taste. He is also an excellent landscape photographer, with large examples of his very decorative works hanging throughout the large establishment. He offers to make us a cup of tea with soy milk, very tasty, and we go ont the front verandah to chat further. He is the classic Alpha Kiwi male, having lived in St Tropez and commuted from there for the last four years creating a business with his innovative Art. Quite the sun bronzed and buffed god, Floss tells me later that he has a German girlfriend in Brisbane who is a faith healer. More and more interesting. 

Clients come so John is busy and as it is Floss's day off she takes me for a tour of Turangi and the wondrous Lake Taupo. This place is the absolute mecca for trout fishing and all sorts of water sports, as well as the kick-off place for trekking on Mt Tongariro. It is utterly spectacular and the many young European backpackers attest to its popularity. No restaurants are open when we look at eight pm so we retire to Floss's bach where she prepares, straight from her cottage garden, a lovely green salad, perfect for finishing rhe day. 

Back at Extreme BPackers, I have a warm shower in the excellent bathroom and retire to my double room to try unsuccessfully to go to sleep. And I have forgotten my always useful valiums...merde!

Bed in Extreme BPackers

Road to Auckland

Waikato River

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Cloudy Christmas Day

Outlook at Christmas...

Off in morning with housemate Fir to visit Beth and friends for a small Christmas lunch at Wadestown.The weather is not so hot, but still not so bad. Just grey.

We were only five for a lovely salmon lunch with salads and sweets brought by us.
Jean Watson of India fame was there so Fir and she had quite a discussion about that.
She is delightful woman, at eighty, still stalwart and knocking back the red wine, unfortunately, as she fell asleep.

Home for a quick nap before preparing my orange cake special for tonight's dinner with the boys at Tom's. More food and company. Tomorrow on the road to Turangi. A busy Chrissy!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Sunny Christmas Eve

Am this morning in the Mediterranean Food Warehouse in Newtown with all sorts of delicious food tempting me and I only succomb to a nice hot coffee. 

Shopping today is a nightmare as everyone is out making their food purchases for tomorrow's gargantuan feast. I just recoil  thinking about it, as Christmas for me is not an especially happy or nice time of the year. Over-indulgence in food and drink, people overspending, and families getting together when often they don't want to at all. Tomorrow I have two meals to go to and will hopefully stay a short while at both so I will have an early start on Boxing Day to drive to Lake Taupo where I plan to stay one night en route to Auckland. Friend Floss runs the backpackers at Turangi on the Southern tip of the this great fisherman's lake and I will stay the night there. 

In today's paper a story of sports millionaires giving up their wealth early to live the quiet life. Something my good friend and confidante M did when she was world golf champion at only 21, she retired to work in golf administration and has never regretted it, although she would have been a mufti-millionaire had she stayed golfing.

On the phone last night she asked me if I was still sure of leaving Wellington next year. Sure I'm sure, I said, and today it is reinforced one hundred per cent. I will be going back to a very hot NSW and possible bushfires, but that is where I grew up and where I belong for the next few years at least.

Strangely at Tiwhanawhana last night I made a tiny glimmer of a contact with a Maori man who may be interested but dares not say it. As I am about to leave I may approach him with the possibility of a long distance type of friendship, which I know he has had before. It would be nice not to leave NZ without some contact  being made in this Maori context as I do appreciate the Maori race for what they offer to the community at large. I can't even pronounce this man's name as he has sensibly decided to keep his Maori moniker which is his right and pleasure.
Sports champions giving up riches..

At Italian delicatessen

With broken glasses!

It is really quite hot today so the airconditioned Penthouse Cinema at Brooklyn is the go. Folies Bergeres, a recent cinematic vehicle for Isabelle Huppert is showing and it will be a welcome break before the madness that is Christmas. I am fending off insistent invitations from J to go to midnight Mass but I am seriously going to ignore them as I have other things on my plate and Mass is not one one of my priorities although she will take it personally I fear. But so be it, I cannot do everything she wishes and my attendance at The Long Hall yesterday was my Christmas offering, c'est tout!

Isabelle Huppert having a fling

Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmassy Wellie and Ti whanawhana

The Gotham where all is quiet...except for headline news where some footy jerseys were stolen from an ex All Black, a heinous crime!

Stolen jerseys.

Quiet at the Gotham

Sunset on Evans Bay

Bella nestled below No 42

Tonight was our last Tiwhanawhana practice for the year.
It was memorable for its food if nothing else. Everyone brings along some contribution and tonight made sure no-one went home hungry, indeed there was much left over. There is a marvellous supportive atmosphere at this evening, but I was a little sad to hear that next year it will take place on Monday  night which is my swimming night. I'm not sure if I can sacrifice that activity as it is so good for my health. But then many things will change next year. We'll see what eventuates.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

A weekend in the country..

At Cafe Zaida's after a near disastrous start to my first holiday weekend. 

I'm going to a Waikanae party with Beth and then staying overnight at G's new home also in Waikanae, which happens to be directly opposing the awful granny bashing that happened last week. It will he interesting  to see how G has taken this rather inauspicious start to her new life in the country.

Talking inauspicious, my day started with an early wakeup call. My phone was dead, absolute stark staring dead, not a blink in it, and it had been charging, or so I had thought, all night. So in quiet desperation I find I am early enough to go into town to see PB and ask about the problem. The sale person plugs it in and says it is totally empty and last night must have drained, rather than recharged, the battery. Relieved somewhat I go to Zaida's for a coffee and wait for half an hour while I get some glimmer of hope in the phone. Tom's old G4 is safely sitting in my pocket in case of the worst outcome and I have no phone. 

I couldn't believe I had bought a second dummy IPhone! I just must be very careful when recharging that I see and hear the recharging light go, otherwise, it seems, it de-charges. Another lesson learned!

Last night was also an interesting one at home. S. arrived at eleven smelling of foul cigarette stench so I dared mention it to him. Always on the defensive he said he only smokes with 'de boyz' on the weekend. Being a social animal, I can see him succumbing to peer pressure in this area, and he went on to insist he never actually  BUYS cigarettes, which I can well believe.

So that means I have now two smokers in the house. The other Marlboro packet was, as I had thought, Koroi's. And of course anything K does S will surely want to do, so I think I may have something to do here as I have quite a dislike of nicotine fumes. I may consult Fir who is my female advisor in this area. 

Things will work out I am sure. Life is never dull in Wellington! Now on to my travels...

The Weekend magazine starts me off badly

Moore Wilson making Christmas cash..

Another favourable review of Tangata Whenua

Waikanae visit

After my rather traumatic start to the weekend I arrive to collect B who is waiting for me down on the street looking at the native plants she had planted across the road. Always improving the environment, B is a stalwart greenie.

The road trip by the A3 motorway to Waikanae is uneventful and we arrive just when some other guests are also disembarking. The host Johnny, does this annual event for all his erstwhile colleagues of whom B is one. All are former employees of the NZ Correspondence School, touted at its peak to be the best one in the world and I don't doubt it, knowing the Kiwi expectation of excellence.

The house is large and inviting, nicely decorated in a soulless sort of way and drinks are offered and we step into the quite beautifully kept garden. This exquisite green flowered bower is kept up to scratch by the host's partner,  a Czech called Paul, who is also the chef for the day. The buffet lunch is ample and satisfying and everyone is chatting loudly and happily.  I met quite a few people and chatted about things Australian and the way things have changed over the years. Everyone certainly has a story to tell.

Arrived later at Gwyneth's new home on the hill

After more food, a lovely dessert, I see some are leaving so it is time to take my leave as B. is getting another lift home. Nothing is faraway in Waikanae and five minutes later I am driving up the leafy driveway to keet old friend in Eckankar, Gwyneth, who is in the throes of finishing her big move with many cartons to be still unpacked, but basically most things in place. We decide to hang the enormous Versace mirror as she calls, an ornate circular piece which doubles the size of the lovely living room. It is indeed a delightful home G. has chosen to make for herself.

Her front garden...

Her mirror....