Wednesday 10 December 2014

Scottish feel-good movie

It's Wednesday and the HU is cancelled so I shoot out to the Cuba Lighthouse to see a nice movie as it's been raining all day.
The movie, called 'What we did on our holiday', was based on a popular family Brit sit-com, and  actually works because of the Scottish context, and also because I hadn't seen the original series. The three kids steal the show and it is a sentimental romp in gorgeous Scottish countryside. Worth seeing just for that.

Home to a quiet house, the chefs both working, and K. transfixed by his Playstation. He has spoken to Sonny about renting the house and, naturally, Sonny said yes. I knew he would, my intuition was right. So we are back to square one with the possibility of my original plan working out just right.
Why was I ever worried, letting my mind work too much of course. Che sera sera, and it always works out in the end. Bother my mind, sometimes I wish I didn't have!

The feel-good movie with Billy Connelly dying beautifully!

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