Tuesday 9 December 2014

Rain at Gotham City

More rain.....I spoke to carpenter Chris (pun not intended!) at my bus stop this morning, he was on his way to inspect our rotting wooden sink so will possibly wake the sleeping duo. They were up very late on their Playstation last night, it seems addictive this stuff, and I wonder where they are going. However I have put the ki-bosh on K's taking over the house with a 'no kids' condition of rental, so that's that. We will just find another solution, there will be one no doubt, and a simple one. I will talk soon to the business end of the duo, Sonny, and I somehow think he will see my point, and even perhaps make some money out of the situation.
The young ones at play..
He was wearing a wig after all!

This is Kiwi determination at its best..

With the worst story of the day...

The King of Hollywood Sir Peter Jackson

Or is this story worse?

You will see here two good stories and two awful ones, or perhaps three bad ones, of inept policing and blatant sexual depravity with young people. Perhaps we see more in the newspapers than is good for us, but this is the Kiwi simplicity, or transparency, everything will come out in the end, you just can't cover-up in such a small society.

Here in the Gotham Cafe, in the hub of business Wellington, you get a large cross section of the working public, all managing to take time off for a good coffee, as any sane Kiwi would do. It is doubtless a very spoiled society, and doesn't even know it yet, they just expect the good life and pay for it in the coin of the realm, as it certainly isn't cheap. How many of the clients here save on their salary is probably a small percentage, but they don't care as life is sweet, and if the earthquake eventually comes, they will survive and just put up with their bad luck. After all, they're Kiwis, and used to bad weather and bad luck. 

I suppose I am really a very spoiled Aussie as  I am not used to it and don't feel inclined to get used to it, although in OZ we do have the bush-fire syndrome of living, always lurking in the steaming hot summer's back drop, ready to explode at the least expected time. This is the aspect of living which I will have to accept when I return to my home shores next year, extreme heat with danger in the offing. And it doesn't seem like it is going to get any better with the climate changes inexorably happening in spite of what the incredibly inarticulate Prime Minister Abbott expostulates. I will never find the perfect climate I must be aware of that, and accept it.

Have just returned a Kiwi book of short stories entitled 'Antipodean Tales - stories from the dark side', and they are just that, somewhat disturbing if the inclination takes you that way. The stories are all about the dark imaginings of Kiwis in their country, and that is where most are set, in the Kiwi countryside. It is a tad worrying to see such creativity affected so much by the morbid side of supernatural experiences. Ones wonders what is lurking out there in the darkest rain forests when all we see is New Zealand Paradise emblazoned on our cinema advertising. There is certainly an underbelly here which is shown in the recent enormous success of the Dracula movie, albeit a comedy, and it is fascinating to witness. Something to think about....

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