Wednesday 3 December 2014

Toi Whakaari and The Drop

Before catching the latest Tom Hardy movie I have a complimentary ticket to see the students of Wellington  Drama school Toi Whakaari, present their end of year production. It is quite a moving and excellent production directed  by my Ti Whanawhana friend JB who is very modest with his achievements.
Themes of young people fighting with their body image and emerging sexual identity, it covered a broad range of youth problems and displayed them with artistic flair and sensitivity really worth seeing again -  five stars for this production. It also makes a great polticial comment on trans-people and their   sometimes sad fate in this backward society.

On to the Lighthouse Cinema...
The Drop at the Cuba Lighthouse
This crime thriller, set in Brooklyn, was a neat and well tuned movie with not a dull moment. The script was good, the cinematography excellent,and the   performances from the main three actors, and indeed all the supports, were top of the scale. I would dare say there will be Oscar nominations here. Tom Hardy is such a great actor, and he plays the not so simple bartender with such skill you would swear he was a Brooklyner. James Gandolfini in his very last role was also the full quid.

A Five star movie in my humble opinion and a good finish to an otherwise very quiet day spent writing Christmas cards. Tomorrow I am having breakfast with K at the Gotham, much awaited.

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