Wednesday 17 December 2014

Chris - the Carpenter Singer

At present the house is a bit chaotic as we are having the kitchen sink replaced because of rotting wood and Chris has turned out to be, although a slow and steady worker, a talented musician to boot. He plays the ukulele and also sings very well having done so since a young boy.  Needless to say, the job turned into a three day affair and today I have gone itnto town to the Gotham Cafe to get out of the house so he can finish the job. But he is quite nice to listen to.

This morning, very early, K caught his flight to The Solomons where he will spend four weeks with his family and doing the odd bit of journalism. I discovered by accident when separating the refuse this morning, an empty packet of Marlboro cigarettes which K. had thrown out in a plastic bag. For someone who claims not to drink, nor probably smoke, I was a little surprised, so I think there may be something with this young man which he is still working through. I'm wondering if he may need to talk about things, probably not. However he is a totally charming and very handsome young man and could have the world on a string, and I think he knows it. Time will tell, so I will be remain quiet on this one with the jury still being out.

Chris strumming...

The Interislander Ferry service is starting to become a real joke, having cost the taxpayers over one hundred million dollars in repairs in the last couple of years. They never seem to get it right and people are now asking questions.
Another success story of a young singer labelled the Best Busker in Berlin this year. This is how Kiwis travel the world with their undoubted talent.

I am off to hear Joan Armatrading tonight which should be a great concert. 

Last night at the Cuba Lighthouse I went to an Interfaith sponsored film called 'Love is a Verb', a documentary about a visionary Muslim educationalist named Fethullah Gulen, who has travelled the world setting up high schools in many war-torn areas such as Bosnia. Although a practising Muslim, he does not bring his Sunni Islam religion into the equation. His faith is the background to his work and it is never far away, working under the banner of 'Heznet', meaning Service, given with love. He is now living in the USA as he has become a 'persona non grata' in Turkey, which is professedly a secular state. Old and fragile, although he has been invited home, he refuses to return to his home country for a multitude of reasons, one being his life. 

The film, made by a woman American filmmaker called Terry Spencer Hesser, who was present last night to answer questions, is an excellent doco done without prejudice and shows Islam to be force for good not evil, encouraging an excellent way of life. This was a timely viewing so soon after the awful Sydney Siege when Islam phobia is rife within the community. In Martin Place, one lone madman killing two innocent people, all in the name of Allah! 

Disputes between religions for so long have been the reasons for war. May this madness cease.

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