Monday 1 December 2014

Tyrannosaurs at Te Papa

Early phone call from Tom changes my plans so I meet with him at Chaffers cafe for an early coffee. Always good to have a chat and get my bearings. I am now rethinking my Christmas travel plans in view of his ideas on traffic etc over the holiday period. May put off the Dargaville visit to another time when I have more time on my hands.
Blissful day

..but a chilly wind, as always

Visiting the family...

With the fairy grandchild...

After coffee I decide to brave the wintry summer's day and hide for a while in Te Papa, with the kids. It is always a nice place to ruminate and also perhaps do a few Christmas cards, which I have to start getting rid of now with the Kiwi mail being as probably as slow as you could get anywhere in the western world.
Friendship with Tom is steadily progressing and he is such a nice man and always gives me sane Kiwi advice, something which I often need! Just decided to forego the Waikanae birthday party in lieu of a ballroom dance with Heta on December 20. Less driving more fun. Must learn to limit my new endeavours in NZ.

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