Monday 8 December 2014

Coffee at Gotham

Still no sign of summer so I may just as well be resigned to the fact that the odd good day is all that we'll get in Wellington. As they say, when it's a good day, it's fantastic and has to be worth a hundred bad ones, or a dozen anyway. 
Gotham full at ten a.m.
William and Kate decorating NYC for their first visit...
Sir Richard Branson flying high with his alliance with Air NZ

Ladies who lunch at Gotham

Things are slowing down now with the holiday season imminent although newspapers are talking up Christmas sales figures just to get people spending. It is a time of ridiculous overspending I believe, and I am not buying into this myth that Christmas has to be the time to give everyone presents. It's not, it's just the end of the year and a good time for recollection and preparation for the New Year, not over-eating and over-spending to make the merchants happy with their bottom line.

 It will be interesting, my visit to Auckland this weekend for the BP Boad meeting, to see the Christmas effect in that commercial centre. Probably lit up like Sydney which it so acutely wishes to emulate I'm afraid.

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