Sunday 7 December 2014

Headline news

News in the Dom Post is never that uplifting but when Monday greets you with pictures of a bereaved family and killers on the loose you wonder where the priorities of the editors lie. Do Kiwis delight in bad news stories, or is that these stories constitute the majority of the news items?..I start to wonder.

Man loses home to fire and now wife to cancer...
Killers on prison leave roaming streets....??

Kiwis protesting climate change with heads in the sand...
More houses burnt down!

For a small country like New Zealand which punches well above its weight in so many creative areas, does it also have a higher percentage of crime and crime lords, albeit simple homegrown ones, than other countries? However they don't seem to import too many drug lords as they have enough here to keep their territory all to themselves. 

I have discovered that everyone knows someone who knows someone else, so that is what is strange, and interesting, about this far-flung antipodean civilisation. I find refuge today in the cool music and Batmemorabilia in the Gotham Cafe which serves good ham-scrams and always a nice to middling coffee. It is also interesting to gaze at the business types who frequent the cafe, all enjoying their coffee and good tucker.

Today I am thinking I may have to announce my eventual leaving plans to some intimates, as it is starting to feel a bit burdensome, this decision to leave in eight months, the hiding of it, that is. Or should I wait till my seventieth birthday in June and make an announcement then, perhaps that is best as it is on a happy occasion and will be on my return from Oz to boot. They will understand better then I hope. Now we have lost the bid on the Roseneath Cafe that load is gone, only a Neighbourhood meeting in March to organise which will be not too difficult I'm sure, with J's help and all her friends. She may well take it over, well so be it.

The fabulous Joan Armatrading is singing at the Opera House in two weeks and I think I will blow my budget and go to hear her, I love her voice and songs. It may be my farewell to this old Opera House. 

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