Friday 26 December 2014

En route to Turangi

This morning after a slow start, no rush it's holidays, I really paid the price as the traffic out of Wellington, all going North, of course, was horrific. So I took a beak at Maccas at Levin, with the same barista made me such a good coffee last weekend . And he was here, same smile, same coffee, and I feel better already. Of course it is Boxing Day traffic, what can you expect? It would be worse in Oz.It's just that I've not ventured out foolishly before on the hallowed day of travel and it is bloody awful... luckily I am only going to Lake Taupo, another three hundred Ks and have all the afternoon to make it there. Floss has a room at her Backpackers and tomorrow I will start early for Auckland. It's always better to drive in the early morn, I alway knew that and won't forget it in a hurry.

Maccas serving their awful food...

Coffeee at Levin

Last night, or yesteday, Christmas was full and satisfying. First a small lunch at Beth's with Fir and Jean Watson taking pride of place, talking about their India. Jean is a modest and capable woman who confesses she hasn't travelled, just been to India, where she had a conversion ( my words ). She believes in reincarnation and was interested to hear of my past lives which I told a little of. She is on a long tough journey but doing good things on her way. I may pass the HU onto her again one day as I am sure she would use it well.

Then the evening over at Tom's with seven other men, one of whom was ex-Minneapolis and quite interesting. The food was great, I was able to pace myself not eating too much and we got home by ten-thirty. It was late enough fro me to sleep in the next day and so leave at eleven-thirty. The Indian came home after midnight and nearly set the kitchen alight with his cooking. Tired after a day's cooking he comes home and cooks more but luckily we have a sensitive smoke alarm, thank god for that. Sonny has never learned to say I am sorry, he is too 'well bred' for that; one day he may learn to. I am now wondering whether I should ever leave the house for him and K as they are not really ready to take over the responsibility for a home together. Anyway time will tell. 

At least I am in the road and will spend tonight on Lake Taupo at Turangi, have a swim hopefully and get on the road to Auckland early in the morning for the next stage.

Julie Walters, whom I just saw in 'Educating Rita', is now 64 and having her teeth whitened, shown with Kathy Lette holding her on to the London Eye. Such a great actor.
TaihapeTown Hall where I had short rest...

Arrived in Turangi at five-thirty, just when I had planned. Straight to Extreme BackPackers where Floss works, to meet her boss John, decked in a mauve French beret and a classic St Tropez jersey top. Incredibly handsome to boot, he told me he has just bought said Backpackers and is repainting it to his taste. He is also an excellent landscape photographer, with large examples of his very decorative works hanging throughout the large establishment. He offers to make us a cup of tea with soy milk, very tasty, and we go ont the front verandah to chat further. He is the classic Alpha Kiwi male, having lived in St Tropez and commuted from there for the last four years creating a business with his innovative Art. Quite the sun bronzed and buffed god, Floss tells me later that he has a German girlfriend in Brisbane who is a faith healer. More and more interesting. 

Clients come so John is busy and as it is Floss's day off she takes me for a tour of Turangi and the wondrous Lake Taupo. This place is the absolute mecca for trout fishing and all sorts of water sports, as well as the kick-off place for trekking on Mt Tongariro. It is utterly spectacular and the many young European backpackers attest to its popularity. No restaurants are open when we look at eight pm so we retire to Floss's bach where she prepares, straight from her cottage garden, a lovely green salad, perfect for finishing rhe day. 

Back at Extreme BPackers, I have a warm shower in the excellent bathroom and retire to my double room to try unsuccessfully to go to sleep. And I have forgotten my always useful valiums...merde!

Bed in Extreme BPackers

Road to Auckland

Waikato River

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