Sunday 21 December 2014

A weekend in the country..

At Cafe Zaida's after a near disastrous start to my first holiday weekend. 

I'm going to a Waikanae party with Beth and then staying overnight at G's new home also in Waikanae, which happens to be directly opposing the awful granny bashing that happened last week. It will he interesting  to see how G has taken this rather inauspicious start to her new life in the country.

Talking inauspicious, my day started with an early wakeup call. My phone was dead, absolute stark staring dead, not a blink in it, and it had been charging, or so I had thought, all night. So in quiet desperation I find I am early enough to go into town to see PB and ask about the problem. The sale person plugs it in and says it is totally empty and last night must have drained, rather than recharged, the battery. Relieved somewhat I go to Zaida's for a coffee and wait for half an hour while I get some glimmer of hope in the phone. Tom's old G4 is safely sitting in my pocket in case of the worst outcome and I have no phone. 

I couldn't believe I had bought a second dummy IPhone! I just must be very careful when recharging that I see and hear the recharging light go, otherwise, it seems, it de-charges. Another lesson learned!

Last night was also an interesting one at home. S. arrived at eleven smelling of foul cigarette stench so I dared mention it to him. Always on the defensive he said he only smokes with 'de boyz' on the weekend. Being a social animal, I can see him succumbing to peer pressure in this area, and he went on to insist he never actually  BUYS cigarettes, which I can well believe.

So that means I have now two smokers in the house. The other Marlboro packet was, as I had thought, Koroi's. And of course anything K does S will surely want to do, so I think I may have something to do here as I have quite a dislike of nicotine fumes. I may consult Fir who is my female advisor in this area. 

Things will work out I am sure. Life is never dull in Wellington! Now on to my travels...

The Weekend magazine starts me off badly

Moore Wilson making Christmas cash..

Another favourable review of Tangata Whenua

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