Sunday 21 December 2014

Waikanae visit

After my rather traumatic start to the weekend I arrive to collect B who is waiting for me down on the street looking at the native plants she had planted across the road. Always improving the environment, B is a stalwart greenie.

The road trip by the A3 motorway to Waikanae is uneventful and we arrive just when some other guests are also disembarking. The host Johnny, does this annual event for all his erstwhile colleagues of whom B is one. All are former employees of the NZ Correspondence School, touted at its peak to be the best one in the world and I don't doubt it, knowing the Kiwi expectation of excellence.

The house is large and inviting, nicely decorated in a soulless sort of way and drinks are offered and we step into the quite beautifully kept garden. This exquisite green flowered bower is kept up to scratch by the host's partner,  a Czech called Paul, who is also the chef for the day. The buffet lunch is ample and satisfying and everyone is chatting loudly and happily.  I met quite a few people and chatted about things Australian and the way things have changed over the years. Everyone certainly has a story to tell.

Arrived later at Gwyneth's new home on the hill

After more food, a lovely dessert, I see some are leaving so it is time to take my leave as B. is getting another lift home. Nothing is faraway in Waikanae and five minutes later I am driving up the leafy driveway to keet old friend in Eckankar, Gwyneth, who is in the throes of finishing her big move with many cartons to be still unpacked, but basically most things in place. We decide to hang the enormous Versace mirror as she calls, an ornate circular piece which doubles the size of the lovely living room. It is indeed a delightful home G. has chosen to make for herself.

Her front garden...

Her mirror....

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