Wednesday 10 December 2014

La Cloche at Thorndon

This morning, Thursday, was the last French meeting for coffee for the year and we all met, only six of us, at a French cafe I didn't before know of, called La Cloche, on the outskirts of the CBD in Thorndon.
 It was very French, that is to say, catering for French lovers, and priced to excite, but with quality. A tarte aux fruits for me was irresistable, and the others all had croissants. I will go back one day as it is excellent and worthy of a revisit. J talked about my film documentary 'Theorem', which she had just seen and she raved about it in her game French, inviting me to describe it as well, which I found  quite hard to do as it was out of the range of most people. But it was talked about which was good, and J said it must be seen at The Long Hall one day, and so be it. This is probably a good idea, and also to have a copy of it at the Film Archives as it is a valuable historical film about Art and disablilites.

As 'Spotlight' was next door, shopping there was a must for the ladies, so after buying a Christmas Tree we left Marie Claire, and J. dropped me in the the city to recover. These 'conversations francaises' can be quite exhausting. I recovered at The Reading Cinema food square.

Below the food square...
At the Cinema complex where all the young ones eat Maccas.
Having a good time...and they were not to be forgotten, six boys, of whom two were obviously gay, and six girls, who were quite nervous about the straight boys, but loved the gay ones, as they do.

I am now off to BP  for a last visit before Auckland tomorrow. J. wants me to have a luncheon before Christmas with two of her friends but so far I have not risen to the bait. I really don't think I could cope with a long lunch with J and her friends talking the whole time. I will politely decline; she already knows I am Christmas-phobic so I hope the invitation doesn't arise again.

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