Monday 29 December 2014

Leaving Auckland

Last brekkie at Alleluya. I am getting used to it here. The coffee is great and the eggs are nice too.
Went to see Turner last night with R and it was most enjoyable. Timothy Spall was perfect casting for the role. I would think a five star movie. Fab sets and amazing cinematography.

Poached eggs at Alleluya Cafe

Back to wet and windy weather in Wellington.

Local photo comp winner....Naked in Mt Maunganui!

Can you believe this....I am waiting for an op shop to open in Karangahape. Is that an addiction or what? I saw a lovely saucepan in this shop three days ago and I have come back to buy it... But it's not open till 11am so I have to have another coffee while waiting an hour for it to open. My rationale is that I don't want to arrive in Turangi too early as there is nothing to do there but laze in the sun. Or rain as is predicted. Floss is working so I can chat with her but still an early night and an early return tomorrow is what I had planned in the first place. Ten hours travelling is too much for one person, breaking the trip at Turangi is by far the best idea. I may even have a look around Taupo before I arrive in Turangi.

Second coffee on Karangahape

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