Wednesday 19 March 2014

Cat Hunt

I am on a hunt today, a cat hunt. I can smell cat fever in the air and as I am flying to Auckland tomorrow for a long weekend I feel I need to satisfy my cat-urge before I go. I'll keep you posted with the result. But as you can see I am again in Midnight Espresso with my favourite drink, having just left my scooter at  Jamie's in Cuba Street for an overdue service I discovered, as a nice fellow rider informed me at a stop sign last week that my exhaust was expelling a lot of black smoke. This Good Samaritan later turned out to be a classmate by the name of (Relaxed) Ryan, a moniker he gave himself at our Te Reo Maori class on day one. I was (Powerful) Paul btw, if you get my drift, a way to remember names, and not a bad way of doing it. Well Ryan was very helpful and is now a new friend at the class.

And then, as happens in the compact Wellington community, a dancer, Tony, from SCD just walked in to M.E., for his afternoon tea perhaps. He didn't see me, or chose to be discreet, the latter I think to be true. A nice English form of distant friendship is developing. Tony also was at the weekend DANSS Comp., as a spectator, where he nodded, and smiled. I think this is an example of the personal space that Kiwis claim and need for themselves, and which I am still learning. I'm sure there will be more lessons this weekend as I am spending it with ninety Pos. men from all over the North Island in a confined space. It is a non-drinking affair which I was relieved to hear, although the powers that be were not happy in having to placate the righteous few who tipped the barrel in that direction. Apparently at last year's Retreat there were some incidents of misbehaviour attributed to over-consumption of alcohol. As this is being called a 'health retreat', I suppose it was a reasonable reaction.

My lemon and honey at Midnight Espresso

A notice on how to find love in Wellington.

The Cool Crowd...

Taken at bus stop outside the Fowler Centre..
My favourite Symphony Orchestra.

As I was sitting waiting for my bus, guess who walked by on the opposite side of Wakefield Pde? Yes it was Tony from SCD and this morning at M.E. ...I told you, Wellington is small, but again he didn't see me.

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