Monday 3 March 2014

Schubert NZSO Concert

Today I had my first chance to hear the excellent NZSO at the Michael Fowler Centre at a Matinee performance of Schubert's Fifth Symphony. My neighbour Matt was playing the principal Double Bass so I managed to switch my seat in the stalls to one in the balcony overlooking the orchestra, directly above the bass strings duo. It attracted a large lunchtime crowd, mainly retirees like me, and all music lovers looking forward to some great playing.
The sonorous strings sounded just perfect and it was indeed a good debut concert for me. Matt was serious and didn't smile once. Such is the serious stuff of classical music, but I loved every minute.

My day was suitably finished with my first Te Reo Maori class which was great fun and will shape up to be an ongoing treat. Hope I manage to learn some language at the same  time!

Housemate Fir's 'little' restaurant 'Karaka' as seen from the Fowler Centre.

Tuning up onstage

The auditorium filling up for the matinee.

My view from the balcony, concert over.

The foyer ball room..

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