Saturday 22 March 2014

Final Day

There was no perceptible climax to the weekend retreat - ending I'm afraid with something of a whimper rather than a bang, for me anyway.
This morning, with weather still warm and posing no threat, on offer was either a Hot Springs visit, with a long bus ride to Waimera, not too enticing, or a medical talk. I decide to stay for the equally as long talk by expert Dr PS about HIV epidemiology. Afraid it was the wrong choice as I learned nothing new and now the weekend was over. However not before a hair-cut by Ngapoe, a very chatty young Islander who was offering free haircuts for all attendees. I was a bit nervous at the start but I let him chatter on and then he practically shaved my head...but there is still time for it to grow before I leave in three weeks for the US. In a way it was a fitting end to the retreat as I now have a new look. I was, as expected, also elected unopposed to the Board  of Trustees for next year, with eleven others btw. I feel I am now part of the HIV establishment somewhat, as I am now more involved  and have some commitment during the next twelve months.

The meeting closed the weekend, we exchanged some contacts and said our goodbyes, something I'm not at all good at. But I'm sure I will see some of the boys again.
The spectacular Chapel at the Centre
The main building...

Returning at Auckland Airport with some colour.

After a little drama (time wise) I arrived at the Airport in good time to rest before my return home. At the Auckland airport I met again my young neighbour from the flight up and returning on my flight home. He had been on a sports weekend and we had another little chat. All in all it was a satisfying few days and I will do it again next year.

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