Monday 17 March 2014

The Library Bar

Back to a favourite haunt on Tuesday night  as I have an hour or so to fill before my first real venture into the world of Ti Whanawhana, my new Maori traditional singing group. Happily they accept a few Pakeha, people of European descent, so I will be in the minority but fully accepted, a feeling which most Indigenous minority groups never have the luxury of feeling. I am looking forward to learning a lot.

This afternoon I have just managed to negotiate the thrills and spills of getting an ANZ Bank App on board. My i-Pad still thinks I'm an Aussie in Australia so that was my problem. The two ANZ banks are not at all interchangeable, nor even friendly with each other I feel, although they share the identical logo - sometimes confusing, but not to the very efficient young bank official at my ANZ bank who talked me through my problems, even showing me how to combat a recalcitrant  ID when they did NOT want to accept my totally valid credit card. I discovered I just had to type 'none' to keep the cyber monkeys happy, so now I have a super-easy App for my banking when OS... I hope!

Received some comforting emails today from Minnesota, or Wisconsin to be exact, giving me the all -important  cell phone number for making contact at Minneapolis airpot when I arrive in a few weeks. Yes, it's getting that close, I need to have everything in place, especially money and accessible bank accounts for paying accounts while away, something with which I had great problems last time in the US when validating access to my bank with a non-working cellphone number, i.e. my Aussie Mobile. This is another thing to check with my smart banking man tomorrow. There is actually a ton of details to prepare when travelling three time zones, and three different countries.

Am attaching two shots of the recent dance comp., my lovely friend Marie and good friends H and G who performed admirably on the day in spite of H's relative indisposition; he was really quite unwell, but the show had to go on, and he is a real show-biz trooper.
Quiet night at The Library
With glamorous friend Marie at the DANSS Comp

Cooling down, above, after a hot competition, below.

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