Thursday 13 March 2014

Cyclone Lusi

We have received the warning well in advance to batten down hatches, stock up on voluminous quantities of acqua pura, and just stay at home for protection. New Zealand never wants to be un-prepared, so perhaps  it goes to the extreme now so as to be never guilty of complacency. 

So tonight as the Cyclone Lusi is scheduled to hit the north island, I should stay at home but no, I am going dancing. I'll let you know later if it was a foolhardy choice, but as it is the last rehearsal for the BallRoom Dancing Competition that I am competing in tomorrow afternoon, I just can't miss it.

The bad weather here is not scheduled until tomorrow evening so we'll see how it goes - but I have learned how to respect the power of the elements in Wellington and I take note of the predictions.

Before the Cyclone

Bear taking shelter...
My two dance partners...

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