Thursday 6 March 2014

Kilbirnie Swim Club

I am trying a new day at my swim club, which is quite a challenge for me as I am intrinsically a lazy sod and don't fancy at all the idea of pushing this tired body up and down a pool for what seems interminable lengths. However this aquatic centre is well thought out and planned to the tiniest detail - and it seems to be busy all the time. 

The club I have joined is called the DSWSC, or something like that I am never sure. I have been already several times but not recorded it as I wondered whether I could pursue the endeavour, but today I will record my puny efforts. They actually swim three times weekly, too much for me, but twice a week they train seriously under the direction of Paige, and ex National US Champion. She is full of girlish charm, being all of thirty years old perhaps, and built like a weightlifter. Paige  brooks no bad behaviour but still gets on with everyone, mainly gay men of all ages and just one woman of unknown sexuality. The latter is the person I chat with most when I have my obligatory rest at the end of each twenty-five metre lap. It is a one hour session which is quite enough and the members of the club are really quite friendly. It must be something to do with being naked together, or near naked as the case may be. Am I joking? Not sure about that one!

They are mostly very good swimmers, and we are vaguely divided into two groups or lanes, and I am of course with the slower group. The head-honcho Martin is one metre ninety tall, limber and fit as a fiddle, with a strange accent I have not yet been able to situate. One day I will ask him as he is quite approachable and friendly, and btw, is the best swimmer in the group of about twenty.

Inside this well-appointed pool complex.

Some of the boys arriving following the Coach, in green

Home after the session which did me good as always, Paige even encouraged me! However tonight was different, as Martin, who I discovered is originally from Zimbabwe, invited everyone to have a post-training drink, or in his case, a hot chocolate. Well although I wanted to get home, I had to say 'OK, count me in'. It was at Bibemus, the aptly named cafe bar in Hall Street, right near my first visit to Wellington now nearly eight months ago, and it always looked nice and friendly.

About eight swimmers turned up, it was only five minutes away as is everything in this wonderful town, and a hot chocolate in hand, I spoke to another member who was new, called Laurent, yes, a Frenchman from near Grenoble.  We had quite a chat, my French coming back to me but still not in great form. It was his last night of holidays here and he was considering a move as he liked Wellington a lot. Worked in IT, decoding something or other, but a very nice man.

Martin, the Club Captain is also a good man, and an original 'mover and shaker'. Within three minutes he had my total story, and was on the net accepting the invitation to the Candlelight Memorial. He is quite a personality, and he left the cafe with another club member who is probably his partner. It turned out a to be a very interesting night.

Below picture of darling Pam at the new Veni Vidi Vici restaurant, Italian of course, in Cuba Street where we had lunch on Friday.

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