Thursday 13 March 2014

Diner a quatre...

Am just home from a scheduled dinner, actually a 'thank you' dinner', from B who is CEO in Auckland of BP in NZ. He very kindly had Lesley, Ron and me for dinner at a delightful, if filling, restaurant in the Readings Cinema Complex. It is called the 'Steer and Something', which, as a non red meat eater, I successfully managed to forget. My salmon choice, albeit a little contrary given the name of the restaurant, was excellent if a little too large for my tender tummy. See pics. 

So we all had a lovely evening as B.  was down from Auckland to look at our progress for the Memorial  where he and I are both speaking. He is a lovely man who does an excellent job. As well he has been a pioneer in the AIDS fight right from the beginning and is also very active in Gay law reform in NZ.

I exited the restaurant on the first floor to go the balcony to take these shots, and note the one with a tiny glimpse of the BP building right at the top of the photo. I  thought ruefully after the meal that maybe I should not have eaten any lunch  before dinner, as truly I am still digesting it, although it was only grilled salmon and salad. I missed my swimming night as well, although I really believe tonight was an essential piece of diplomacy and also a lovely gesture which I could not refuse.

The Candlelight Memorial is shaping up to be a big event, with my choice of choir WOSOSI now having accepted my invitation to be there. They will sing three beautiful songs, one Maori, and two African, finishing the bill leaving a beautiful feeling in the Marae I am quite sure. Now to prepare my speech!

This is the new logo for Shell, now called Zee, interesting!
After the meal, smiles all round.
View from balcony with BP squeezing in at top of frame.
My very large salmon with salad, burp!

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