Thursday 6 March 2014

Parliament Petition

Today I joined a launch of a Petition on Parliament Steps of the right to have female condoms subsidised. BP was there in support and later we adjourned to have tea and bickies.

Then as my lovely ex-flatmate Pam was down for the weekend from Auckland, she invited me to lunch at a new Italian restaurant called Veni Vidi Vici on Cuba Street - see pic. in earlier blog. We had a big catch-up as it's six months since she left for her new job up north. She wanted to see a new movie called 'Her' which has a great write-up so we decided to go to a session at 3.30 this afternoon.

The movie with the fabulous Joacquin Phoenix was directed by Spike Jonze and it was an up-to-date story of cyber romance, taken to the next step of actually falling in love with a virtual girl friend. Ably supported by Amy Adams and the voice of Scarlett Johansson, the movie rested on Phoenix's undoubted talents and he did his best under a sometimes laboured direction and cinematography. The story resonated with couple of young girls in our small audience, but was scary for an oldie like me who does not do cyber-dating. 

It seems the young generation lives for it, on it, and with it, cyber dating I mean. The movie was ultimately sad and disillusioning, with the lens dwelling on Los Angeles as an uber-modern metropolis with no heart and totally reliant on nano-technology for its existence. Sad but quite illuminating. Three stars.
Our Parliament, the Bee Hive

On Parliament steps with the Minister

Back at BP with the large paper dolls, cardboard actually.

With Pam at Italian restaurant on Cuba

...more of Italian with Pam


  1. Her is a nice movie :)
    Love your blog, follow each other.

    1. Thanks for looking in - nice to hear from another blogger
