Saturday 22 March 2014

Retreat - Day One

My first invitation on settling in was from a seasoned retreater to take a walk on the beach and possibly to have a swim if the temperature permitted. Well it certainly did. The ocean water was deliciously warm and the waves just big enough to enjoy a gentle surf. Memories of long ago Aussie surfing days, long and languorous slipped back into my mind as the sensual foam lapped around  this grateful body. Being up north certainly has something to recommend - this was my very first swim in  the New Zealand Pacific, and I really appreciated it. It won't be the last.
Walking around the gay icons...
View of the wonderful inviting beach.

And that was yesterday....

This was my second swim of the weekend, this time with lovely Lesley, who came out of the water as a nymph and posed for me inside the mirror ball on the lawn. Looks good ay? This was for me the high point of the second day, where the meals have been lovely, the talks informative, and the company delightful and instructive. The good news is I have identified, with some help I must say, the twenty or so gay icons whose photos were planted on the lawn for 'Identify the Icon' competition.I won't be the only winner I'm sure. 

The weather at Long Bay has been fantastic, sunny and very much like Sydney, and especially the surf playing a big role in this excellent venue. It has been a real holiday, with lots of bonuses. This afternoon I attended the HUI of the Tinana Ora in the Marae, and I think I was one of only two Pakeha there. It was fun, informal and I am slowly learning the very formal Maori culture where protocol reigns supreme. Although in this case it was a very relaxed protocol, with Heta arriving late and putting on a small performance to everyone's amusement.

 Tonight is the final dinner which should be fun and the winners of 'Icon' competition will be announced. The atmosphere overall has been warm and supportive, as a newcomer I have felt included and of course it can only get better... However I think there could be some improvements made.

Booty from dinner and a hat made by Freddy, my 2nd prize in the quiz.
It was a good dinner, and yes, I won a prize, equal second, and the decorated hat which I won will take pride of place somewhere on my return home. Easter Eggs were also distributed, warning me of what is to come, chocolate-wise. The final night's entertainment was a showing of Dallas Buyer's Club, a film I have already seen and not for me tonight, although many wished to watch it. I felt in agreement with Lesley, the final night should be when people delve into their deep artistic talent to create a community piece of theatre not to be forgotten. Something I will doubtless bring up if I am elected to the Board tomorrow.

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