Tuesday 18 March 2014

To buy or not to buy...

At Midnight Espresso for a morning coffee.
It doesn't have its reputation for nothing, this famed sixties' Cafe, and it is time to look at my latest purchase, a painted plate, which although depicting a 'the au citron' looks more like my flat white, don't you think? However I like it and it satisfies my nascent urge to buy artistic things from secondhand hand shops posing as collectors' items. There were a few other things at the Ghuznee St store I had my eye on but have so far resisted. My temptation is surfacing as I know one day I will be looking for a new flatmate and that means a redecoration of the house as a few things may disappear, like a mirror or two. And I know well I can't live without mirrors. I left not one, but three in my last house in Hobart.They are essential for reflecting not oneself, which can be sometimes disturbing, but the surrounds which in this case are beautiful views and some nice objects I have, although most I have passed on in my last move.

I have just come from the Film Archives, a repository for all things Kiwi and celluloid, or now digital. I wanted to see documentary  curated by my colleague-to-be Gareth  Watkins, on the Kiwis' attraction to domestic, and some not so domestic, animals. Called simply 'Pets' it consisted essentially of a montage of old personal footage in New Zealand that Gareth has managed to collate, and curate. It shows a nation of animal lovers, while at the same time a nation born on the back of commercially exploiting sheep and cattle, both of which feature in this charming and rare small film, on show free at the this great centre. One of the cats curiously was a tiger cub, and another one of the pets was a cow invited into the kitchen to share breakfast with its young carer. The Kiwis certainly love their animals!

Now on to Kathmandu to see if I can resist their Summit Sale. Do I need a really weatherproof jacket?Yes, I think I do in this very wet and windy city, and the brand to buy, Goretex, is on sale.
So off I go, not knowing what was there or what I really wanted, but I am sure I needed something when there is such a big sale; Kathmandu, did I say is horribly overpriced. So yeah, I discovered a waterproof jacket, in a nice blue colour, easily packable which is how I measure things these days, so I thought, what the heck,  I'll buy it with the sizeable discount although still not a cheap buy. Feeling OK about my purchase I stroll back to my scooter parked a few blocks away as I couldn't find a space anywhere near the shop. I had left it near to a designated motorbike parking area, next to another large motorbike under a bush, but actually not in the correct area. Result, on my return I was admiring the large bike and suddenly noticed it had received a parking infringement, the notice tucked neatly near the accelerator handle. Ooh, I thought, mine is next to his, and yes, I had received a note from the Wellington Council too. See pic. $40 poorer I continue my way home contemplating yet another  lesson  learned in Wellington - they have laws, and they adhere to them, and so must I!

My coffee with my new plate...
...at Midnight Espresso on Cuba.

Below, another karmic lesson with my scooter...someone else knows better!

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