Tuesday 5 May 2015

Back to grim weather...

 Grey wettish day, with strong (galeforce) blustery winds in Wellie, back to normal I suppose. 

Headline news is the name of the new Princess as Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, yay! The bookies lost a million over this, and the rest of the world is unimpressed.

A quick coffee at the Memphis and another bank visit to regulate rent payments, then over to BP for a final letter to Michael Kirby for tweaking the Candlelight's planning and then home for more preparations for the big move. It is still time to declutter before I pack, so that is the aim, throw out, not take with. I hope I can do it satisfactorily.

Sports journalist Mark Reason again rubbing it well and truly in, penned a pungent piece in the Dom Post about the Aussies losing their guts in the recent footy test in Brisbane, where they were well and truly demolished by the Kiwis. He may be right, at the moment, but the Kangaroos will come back, especially if they read his column! I hope they do. New Zealand reigns supreme in so many sports at present, but the the only constant in life is change, and that is certain to happen.

Cat Stevens is resounding in the background as I finish my coffee and he went through it all too, and changed.

Grey skies...

Rugged up...

Reason tells it as it is!

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