Tuesday 26 May 2015

Interesting times...

Life in Wellington is 'on the move', just like the recent autobiography of Anglo American Jewish neurologist and writer, Oliver  Sacks.
Today I try a new savoury pastry, vegetarian pin-wheel, and it's delicious as all the pastries are here made by Zaida's just up in Tory Street.

Last night's opportunity to catch 'The Sugar Movie' made by an extraordinary young Aussie filmaker  Damon Gameau, was a delight to experience. It told the horror story of sugar and its pernicious health effects with such deft stokes you were left wanting more, of the film that is, not sugar! I knew most of what he said but to be shown in amusing and accurate footage, and proven by high brow scientifc gurus, it was quite the must-see film that Jamie Oliver had talked about. Congrats to Gameau, may he make more such movies, it made me proud to be an Aussie!

Some French boys come in to the Memphis with broken English, and they sit outside in the cold , smokers of course, for coffee and patisserie. But after one coffee they come in and I start to listen to the rap music which John has now played in their honour, a totally French rendition so they feel totally at home. This is the inimitable style of the John at the Memphis Belle.

Later today I am to pop in to see Yono at his home in Brooklyn to have a chat as one does in times of stress and change. Perhaps  we can go somewhere good on this, as I share somewhat, in his sense of bereavement.

Then later after HU we have the Scottish Country Dance birthday bash where I am to bring a plate. Perhaps I'll also wear my kilt tonight to celebrate the birthday. The dancing will warm everyone up I'm sure.

Young Kiwi fencer called Felix, a man to watch, a future world champion I confidently predict.

Weird things happen in New Zealand..the busdriver didn't stop to drop any kids and they had to jump from the moving bus...

..and a schoolboy falling out of a window!..more weirdness.

Egypt still in a real political mess..I feel for the freedom, or lack of, in that ancient and brilliant country.

Russian ballerina coming to the Opera House  I would love to see her dance in Swan Lake!

Example of Tony Abbott's inhumane tratment of asylumseekers. He should be brought to trial as contravening international human rights.

Wellie weather on the Straits, ooops!

Typical expat Kiwi cricketerplaying for England brings the Black Caps to their knees. Only a Kiwi......!

Lots of photos on this very chilly day in Wellie, but somehow I feel warm inside.

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