Wednesday 13 May 2015

Rain back, with a vengeance!

The weather is taking its toll. The roads are closed at Kapiti and the commuters are encouraged to take a day off. The one road northwards, the A1, is subject to landslides when rainfall is torrential and that's what's happened. I'm not surprised as we had rain come through the veranda at home it was so violent. It's Wellie weather, never underestimate its strength or the after-effects.

Wet at Memphis

More rain...

Roadworks to ruin? They do a lot of roadworks here and sometimes the local businesses suffer in extremis and cannot continue...with no help or sympathy from the City Council it seems.

Lambs to the slaughter😓but only thirty million sheep in NZ now due to increased milk production and cows (detrimentally) taking precedence over meat and wool.

Poor Raffa, body is giving upbut Andy Murray now getting a chance..

More Memphis

A nice coffee with Tom and big chat about what I am doing in Oz on return. Tom meekly, and somewhat disingenuously, suggests a Caravan Coffee takeaway to service the burgeoning coffee industry might be the go. It is something to talk to Benjamin about when I return. I mention it to John the owner of Memphis, and he says he can train me as a barista at his other smaller coffee hole around the corner for a reasonable fee. It is an idea to plant and see where it goes.  Gosford, after all, is where my father started his first bookshop, and where before that, both he and Mum served sandwiches in a ham'n beef shop, something which was a forerunner to today's deli. And with both businesses they were moderately successful but naturally with a lot of hard work between the two, especially by my Mum, who also raised a family at the same time. As always the woman carried by far the greater load and in this case while coping patiently with an alcoholic husband. What a woman was our mother!

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